limited time offer!

limited time offer!

get access to my email marketing process that has helped my clients sell $100,000 of their course in 93 days

Without using Chat GPT that makes you sound like a robot.

email marketing is, without a doubt, the most dependable, consistent way to sell your course or membership in 2024

you don’t know what to say or how to say it (and how often to say it)

…and so what happens is that instead of actually selling your course or membership, you ghost your email list, because you’re all up in your head about being “salesy” or what other people will think.

What most coaches and experts don’t realize is…


Emails that sell have very little to do with being a “good” writer.


While Chat GPT may be the easiest and fastest way to write marketing emails, it makes you sound like a robot.


Hiring someone to write marketing emails for you sounds like a great idea on the surface. But it’s gonna cost you thousands, and they probably won’t actually “get you”. Which gets you back to square one all over again.

4 reasons why your emails aren’t selling:

❌ Your emails aren’t sharing key components that your audience needs to know and understand to say click that “Add to Cart” button.

❌ You have a swipe file of other coaches’ and experts’ emails that you’ve been using as “inspiration”, that aren’t in alignment with your brand, offer, and business (and SURPRISE! aren’t producing results).

❌ You’re not actually inviting your email list to buy anything! You’re sending value-based newsletters, and crossing your fingers and eyes and toes and *hoping* that your email list subscribers reach out and ask how they can work with you.

❌ You’re not sending the right amount of emails.

After coaching hundreds of coaches and experts through the process of writing the emails to sell their courses or memberships...

I started noticing a pattern…

most business owners don’t know how to write emails that sell. 🤯

I’ll show you how to write emails that
sell your course or membership without…

🙅‍♀️ Using sleazy “bro marketing” strategies that make everyone feel like total crap

🙅‍♀️ While super “trendy” and everyone’s favorite tool right now, relying on Chat GPT that makes you sound like a robot

🙅‍♀️ Crossing your fingers and eyes and toes and hoping that maybe someone will actually buy your course or membership

🙅‍♀️ Thinking that you’re not cut out for this whole “online business thing” because you are having a hard time mastering the art of emails that sell (HINT: It’s EXACTLY what you’ll get access to inside of these email templates!)

email pitch sequence

[EE] + [MAYL] [PICH] + [see·kwns]

A series of 7 emails, in a specific order, backed by strategy, designed to sell your course or membership.

The truth is…

You’re only one (well-written) Email Pitch Sequence from
making money from your course or membership.

And getting it done is much easier (and less expensive!) than you've ever imagined.

Flash sale!

Flash sale!


Pitch perfect 🤩

Create an Email Pitch Sequence designed to sell more of your course or membership, on autopilot.

Here’s what you’ll get…

Pitch Perfect Masterclass ($197 value)

In this 12-ish minute Masterclass I’ll show you the 7 emails that every Email Pitch Sequence that sells needs, and how each email uses non-manipulative sales psychology to connect with your email list subscriber, and inspire them to enroll in your course or membership.

email pitch sequence examples ($497 value)

You’ll get access to my actual emails so you can see how these emails work, in action! You’ll get access to examples of each of the 7 emails that every Email Pitch Sequence that sells, needs.

email pitch sequence templates ($997 value)

You’ll get access to fill-in-the-blank templates of the 7 emails that every Email Pitch Sequence that sells needs. These are color coded, and are meant to be used to help you quickly generate profitable emails using my email marketing process. Think Mad Libs…but for Email Pitch Sequences! (My private clients have paid thousands of dollars for what you’re getting inside of this product!)

suggested email schedule | Business to Business ($47 value)

Curious about how often you should send your emails? I gotchu’! In this PDF you’ll get access to a suggested schedule that addresses how often you should be sending out these emails if you work with other businesses, to stay top of mind, but not overwhelming.

suggested email schedule | Business to customer ($47 value)

Do you want to stay consistent with your Pitch Sequence Emails, but not annoy your email list? If you sell to customers, this PDF will share a suggested email schedule that is designed specifically for your unique business.

Check out what some of our clients have accomplished with this email pitch sequence:

“I made 2 sales using the Pitch Sequence emails, while nap trapped under my toddler. That's $3K in one weekend...I'll take it!”


“I used the Pitch Sequence to welcome 47 new members into my membership, which equals $2,300 in monthly recurring revenue!

-Anna beck,
etsy coach

“I ran my Pitch Sequence to my current list and received 4 sales on day 3 (Client Story, FTW)! This is a change from no sales at all in my previous pitch sequence of emails.”

-Octavia Steen, Faith-Based Fertility Coach


(You'd be silly to click away and NOT grab this screamin' deal!)

✅ Pitch Perfect Masterclass ($197 value)

✅ Email Pitch Sequence Templates ($997 value)

✅ Email Pitch Sequence Email ($497 value)

✅ Suggested Email Schedule | Business to Business ($47 value)

✅ Suggested Email Schedule | Business to Customer ($47 value)

Our Pitch Perfect clients
work smarter, not harder.

Hey there!
👋 I’m Allison.

In 2013 I was laid off from my “dream job” at 6 months pregnant.

I was a tenure-track college art professor and (shocker) there were absolutely NO jobs in sight.

But I had to make money.

So I started a business. Nothing like being my own boss, eh?

Boy was I wrong.

6 months in I was suffering from a hefty dose of postpartum depression, and my business was all over the place.

Feast or famine.
Only making money when I showed up.

And as someone who had a lot of life, it simply didn’t work.

I had read about how email marketing was a great way to sell your course or membership. But quite honestly, it felt too good to be true.

Plus, all of the “bro marketers” made email seem pushy, and impersonal, and just plain skeevy, and that was the opposite of how I wanted to show up and sell.

But I kept asking myself this one question, “What if I could make it work for me?”

So I decided to go all in on email marketing, by creating my own process for writing emails that sell that didn’t make me feel like a total slimeball.

And after one year of really focusing on strategic, heart-centered email mareketing, I had replaced my tenure-track’s income (plus some!), and I was sold.

Now I hit 6-figures consistently every single year because of email marketing.

I’m a small business owner just like you. I understand the risk you feel when deciding to invest in a digital product. You work hard for your money and don’t want to waste it on something that should have been a blog post.

I’m extremely proud of the products I create and I know anyone who buys them and implements the strategy will be thrilled with their purchase.

That’s why I’m offering a 14-day money-back guarantee. While I can’t guarantee that you’ll make your first million this year, I can guarantee your satisfaction you’ll experience with the quality of the emails.

Of course, If you’re not happy with Pitch Perfect, I will refund your money within 14 days of your purchase.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Do I need a specific software to use the templates?

Nope! Not at all. All you need is an email marketing software. Click Funnels, Convert Kit, Mail Chimp, Funnel Gorgeous, Active Campaign, A Weber, Constant Contact, (and anything else I’m missing) they all work! The templates are PDFs and Google Docs (so you can pick the format that works best for you). Simply copy and paste them into your email marketing software, and you’ll be well on your way!

what kind of offer do these emails work best with?

Courses, memberships, or digital products.

What if I’m not a good writer?

You don’t have to be! These templates do the writing for you. All you need to do is fill in the blanks. They’re kinda like Mad Libs, but for Email Pitch Sequences.

Does Allison have other programs?

She sure does! Check out Funnel of the Month Club or email us at

recap of what YOU GET FOR JUST $37

✅ Pitch Perfect Masterclass ($197 value)

✅ Email Pitch Sequence Templates ($997 value)

✅ Email Pitch Sequence Email ($497 value)

✅ Suggested Email Schedule | Business to Business ($47 value)

✅ Suggested Email Schedule | Business to Customer ($47 value)

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