Episode #159: Choose to make your business easy

What if we were to choose easy?

Time and time again I hear women in my audience say that “business is hard right now.” 

And yes, business is hard, I’m not denying that at all, but what I’ve been thinking a lot about recently is the story we tell ourselves AND the reality behind that story.

Recently on a Facebook Group lead generation Masterclass I was hosting more than one woman made the comment that running a Facebook Group was “a lot of work” and some even said it was “a lot of hard work”.  Now, I’m not afraid of a little bit of hard work, I come from a very blue collar family who prides themselves on working hard, but I’m wondering how things would change, how your business would change, if you told yourself that business didn’t have to be hard.  Or even if you approached your business with the mindset that it was going to be easy.

That would be a game changer, wouldn’t it?

This is my philosophy: life is hard enough, toddlers are unpredictable (we’re currently riding the terrible twos struggle bus here at the Hardy house), relationships with friends, in-laws, spouses can be complicated, and the whole keeping everyone alive and helping them to become contributors to society it’s all A LOT.  We do A LOT as women and moms and spouses and friends and sisters and daughters.

So why not rewrite the story, at least when it comes to your business life.

And I’m not saying that your mom life’s story can’t be rewritten because it can, but that’s not why you’re here today and that not what the podcast is about.  This podcast and why you’re here today is to talking about making business easy.

So how do we go about doing this?  What are some steps we can take to make business easy?

First, it boils down to the story we tell ourselves.  Are you willing to tell yourself that while something may be new and you’re not exactly sure how it will go, that it’s going to be easy?  That you’re going to do the best you can with what you have right now in front of you? What about instead of focusing on what you don’t have or what you don’t know, you focus on the most powerful tool that you do have?  And that tool is YOU! 

Often we discount our inner power.  I know I see this in the coaching industry. While we all are on a journey to become the best version of ourselves, we constantly are looking for our “what’s next?”  Where is our business heading? What else can we learn? What do we need to work on? What do we need to improve upon?  

And while self-betterment is always an investment, I think a lot of times we do it because of the wrong reasons.  We choose to believe the story that something is missing or wrong, so we jump from one thing to the next without really stopping to learn, implement, test, tweak, and continue to move forward.  We can always improve things within ourselves, but it’s also a matter of understanding, acknowledging, and trusting that we are innately powerful beings and we are capable of making what we want to happen a reality.

How can we use our belief as a super power to change things from hard or complicated, and choose to make them easy?  What if we can take a goal of ours and work towards it unapologetically, but by only doing things that were EASY? How would that change how you experience your business?  Pretty massively, eh? 

Second, how we deal with failure tell us a lot about how we view our businesses.  One of my big business goals has been to create a highly converting Masterclass. Run it live multiple times, tweak, adjust, and every time I run it, increase the conversion rate.  Eventually I want it to turn it evergreen and use it to grow my email list. I love teaching so for me the idea of preparing and giving an hour-long class absolutely lights me up. So for me, it’s not the act of doing the Masterclass.

What trips me up is pitching at the end of the Masterclass. I was viewing as hard!  And so over and over again I was running these live Masterclasses which I loved but when it came to the pitch, I would fumble my words, I would rush through it, I would feel so off! So what gives? Why the disconnect?  

It was because I was making it HARD.

I was so caught up in my own head that I was going to botch the pitch or that no one was going to buy, I was so tied to the end result, that instead of choosing to make it EASY, I was overcomplicating EVERYTHING.  And you know what that did for sales? It certainly didn’t help them, that’s for sure! 

So I did what everyone says you should do, I invested in a webinar course.  Seems logical, right? And you know what I learned from that course? Nothing.  Absolutely nothing.  

So then I started to consider this high-end mastermind who’s end goal was to help you create an automated webinar.  Now keep in mind, I already have a mastermind that I’m a part of. So here I was considering another one without really digging deep here.

When I told Teer (my husband) what I was considering he had some strong opinions about it and didn’t hesitate to tell me what he thought.  Mind you, he usually stays out of my business so him interjecting his ideas into the conversation was very, very rare, which caused my to turn my listening ears on. 

So what I went back to my Masterclass:

What was working in my Masterclass?
What were people saying was fantastic about the event?
Where did people start to trail off? 
Did anyone visit the sales page?
Did people show up live? Did they watch the replay?

I dove deep into my Masterclass and identified three key things that were working and three key things that weren’t.  And so I adjusted them, ran the Masterclass live again, and analyzed my results again. While this process was slow and tedious I learned to learn on myself for the answers. Instead of allowing fear of failure over and over again to push me into a maybe not so sound financial decision and commitment, I leaned in HARD and TRUSTED that my failure was not a bad thing, it was just information that gave me an opportunity to change.  

And now while my conversions still aren’t where I want them to be, they are a whole heck of a lot better than they were and the Masterclass is much more dependable at this point.  

And I should say this, it’s not that I’m glad I didn’t invest in that higher end mastermind program, I’m still considering it whole-heartedly, it’s that I’m glad I TRUSTED in my failures enough to choose to not make a decision out of fear.

Now, because I’ve gained this trust with myself, my Masterclass feels a whole heck of a lot easier.  And fun. And impactful. And that it matters. Because it does.  

Yes, I’m still tweaking and adjusting and playing with wording, but I’m choosing to make it easy and I’m giving myself A LOT of grace.

So how can you bring yourself from fear of failure to making failure just another opportunity to refine and streamline your business and make it EASY?

Maybe you’re struggling with a challenge, or a funnel, or organic marketing, or content marketing, or your sales calls, what can you do right now to take what isn’t working from it, what is working from it, and make some informed decisions about where your business needs to go and what’s going to get you there, to make whatever it is that you're doing EASIER?

Every time I have a client, whether they are in Lead Generation Lab or Legacy Mastermind, ask me about a next move, or this new thing they are thinking about doing, or this current thing that is draining them in their business, I always ask them, “What’s the easiest option here?  How can you make this easier for you?”

And it goes back to how I run my business and how I would encourage you to run your business, every single thing that you do in your business should be intentional, purposeful, and effective. If you’re going to spend all of this time tweaking and adjusting and eliminating and adding onto with the intent to make something easier, then it sure as heck better be revenue-producing, otherwise, what’s the point?


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Music courtesy of www.bensound.com


Episode #160: Why NOT you? with MeiLani Hock


Episode #158: Silencing your inner mean girl with Angela Naumann