Episode #167: Scale your business through group coaching with Cassie Righter

After designing curriculum and teaching for over a decade Cassie stepped into the world of online coaching and realized straight away that there was a huge gap in the market. There were many coaches developing programs to help others launch and sell a group coaching program, but there was little talk about how to actually create a program that reaches people with different learning preferences and backgrounds. In other words, there were very few people teaching coaches how to teach their expertise in a relatable and understandable way.

So…she decided to fill the gap. As a Group Coaching Consultant, Cassie helps online coaches optimize the planning, delivery, evaluation, and structure of their group coaching program taking the confusion and frustration out of the process of delivering their genius and leading their clients to reliable, consistent, kick-ass results.

Cassie believes that the success of your business is directly correlated to the success of your clients and that the more success you can help them achieve, the more success you’ll find in your business.


  • Cassie’s super power is helping people take the big information and get it out of their head, arranged, and outlined in a way that they can then take and translate into what they can teach.

  • A group coaching program might be a good fit for you if you are (1) filled in your 1:1 program or (2) are finding yourself answering the same questions over and over again with your clients.

  • Your job, as the coach or consultant who is running the program, is to get your clients results.  Part of that is making sure that absolutely ideal clients are in your programs and offerings. Having a strict placement process is key in making sure you’re getting on the phone with the right people who need, want, and are ready for your services.


Learn more about Cassie through her website

Find Cassie on Facebook

Listen to to the Coach to Empower Podcast

Download Cassie’s free masterclass, Engaged and Empowered, to help your Group coaching members stay engaged in your program

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Music courtesy of www.bensound.com


Episode #168: Impactful shifts to make in a new economy


Episode #166: A coronavirus mompreneur pep talk