write emails that sell your course or membership
[on autopilot!]

The launch rollercoaster 🎢
is EXHAUSTING 😫 isn’t it?!

As a coach and expert it is next-level draining to be telling people over and over again, what you do, who you help, and how you can help them. Especially with high-pressure launches that stress you the heck out. Only to wrap up one launch, and turn around and plan the next launch.

It can feel like you’re constantly on this loop of launching over and over again, when you just want to work with your clients! (That is why you started your own business, after all!)

Raise your hand if you feel like you’ve been personally victimized by launches. 🙋‍♀️

It can be hard to grow your company when you are unsure where the next sale is going to come from, and to add insult to injury, to make that sale happen you have to be “on”.

You know that email marketing is a way to get off the live launch rollercoaster, and it sounds like a great idea and all, but you’re so “in it” that if you take your foot off the gas to figure it all out your sales will drop (and you’ve got mouths to feed!).

But guess what?!

Creating profitable emails that actually sell your
course or membership, doesn’t have to be hard.
(But you’ve gotta know what to say and how to say it.)

💸 Imagine seeing sales come in while you’re NOT working. ‘Ya know, while you’re taking the kids to the park, or chilling the heck out on a beach somewhere, or even better yet, while you’re sleeping (my preferred method!).

☝️ Imagine building a “set it and mostly forget it” system that operates independently from your other business activities.

🔒 Imagine knowing that you have a security net month after month, and a reason for all of that email list building you’ve spent THOUSANDS of dollars and hours on!

😌 Imagine the sense of peace you’ll have with knowing where your next dollar is going to come from.

The truth is…

Email marketing is the most dependable, algorithm-proof, life-proof, sustainable way to enroll new clients into your course or membership.

And getting it done is much easier (and
less expensive!)
than it’s ever been.


The Funnel of the Month Club!

An email marketing membership, designed to help you sell your course or membership, on autopilot.

Inside of Funnel of the Month
you’ll get access to:

💥 A stackable Email Sequence that drops every 30 days so that you can know EXACTLY how to create your email marketing ecosystem that sells your course or membership on autopilot ($564 value annually)

🔥 Plug-and-play email templates that work for any software, to help you write your emails quickly, without over analyzing everything ($564 value annually)

💥 Workbooks, checklists, masterclasses, guides, etc. to help you gain clarity around what goes into each Sequence, without overwhelm, second-guessing yourself, and analysis paralysis ($564 value annually)

🔥 Email examples so you can see the emails in action, inside of million dollar email marketing campaigns ($564 value annually)

💥 A vault of Email Marketing Trainings and Best Practices to help you utilize your email marketing in a streamlined, simple way, that sets your email list up for maximum profitability ($147 value annually)

🔥 Funnel Trend Reports on the 1st of every month, so that you can get an insider sneak peek into what's working inside of the million dollar funnels of our done-for-you clients’ funnels ($564 value annually)

plus! access to guest expert trainings
every month ($12,000 value annually):



HOW TO PAY YOURSELF with Belinda Rosenblum

YOUR 60-DAY VISIBILITY PLAN with Kelly Sinclair

And! resources to help you start to generate revenue…fast!

Fast Track to Revenue Trainings ($2,000 value annually)

Topics include: funnel maps, cash injections using your email list, funnel reviews, tripwire best practices

GET IT DONE WEEK ($1,200 value annually)


This is perfect for you, if…

✅ You want to set up ONE system to sell for you, and let it wash and repeat over and over again

✅ You want to get small, bite-sized chunks dripped out to you each month so it’s not overwhelming and you can trust yourself to take action to get them plugged into your business

✅ You want to understand and master the sales cycle and buyer psychology so that you can actually learn HOW to sell through email

✅ You want to use the “know, like and trust factor” as a sales tool (and what that even means and looks like!)

✅ You want to start to shift your entire business model to build up evergreen revenue and remove the need for complicated, time-intensive launch methods that keep you burnt out

✅ You want to know how to utilize and stack your sequences to makes sales on autopilot (my favorite is getting paid to sleep - let me tell you, it is the ABSOLUTE best! 🙌)

💁‍♀️ What this is:

👍 The most consumable, easy to implement, way to build an email marketing system, that won’t overwhelm you.

👍 Your ticket to get off the launch rollercoaster that is keeping you stuck, frustrated, and burnt out.

👍 A pathway to scaling your business, without trading dollars for hours.

👍 The easiest, most effective way to sell your course or membership, daily, and on autopilot.

🙅‍♀️ What this is not:

😫 A firehose of information and fluff-filled trainings that will overwhelm you, keep you second guessing everything, take up a TON of time, and hate your business.

😫 An advanced strategy that is meant only for 6-figure+ entrepreneurs. If you have a course or membership that you’d like to sell more of, this is for you, newbies and 6-figure+ entrepreneurs alike!

😫 A gross, slimey email marketing strategy that makes you a sleezy slimeball in someone’s inbox. Email marketing should be value filled- and sales should be invitational, no obtrusive.

“I made 2 sales using the Pitch Sequence emails, while nap trapped under my toddler. That's $3K in one weekend...I'll take it!”


“I used the Pitch Sequence to welcome 47 new members into my membership, which equals $2,300 in monthly recurring revenue!

-Anna beck,
etsy coach

“I ran my Pitch Sequence to my current list and received 4 sales on day 3 (Client Story, FTW)! This is a change from no sales at all in my previous pitch sequence of emails.”

-Octavia Steen, Faith-Based Fertility Coach

“Funnel of the Month Club has helped me to have a better picture of what I want my email ecosystem to look like and less fear about over-emailing.

Building my Pitch Sequence using the templates and examples really helped me hone in on some beautiful specifics within my experience to add to the messaging.”

-Dawn Ledet, Certified Life Coach

“I’ve found a lot of value from the copy and paste templates on how to use them and what goes in the blanks.

They are extremely helpful, and took away a lot of the guess work.”

-Emily Hamblin, Mom Coach

"I find that I now have the confidence to make changes to my existing funnels to increase conversions."

-Brenda McSween, Sleep and Parenting Coach

"I find the example emails helpful, so we see how they are actually used. Most people just sell templates."

-Dr. Sheldon Nix, Ph.D., M.S.W., President & Head Coach, The Life Center

"I like the fact the information is current, particularly in the constantly changing climate of online marketing."

-Amy Ramsey, Christian Lifestyle Coach, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, and Personal Trainer

Hey! I’m Allison.

My official, fancy-person bio would tell you that I’m an Email Funnel Strategist who has helped clients create $100K in sales, in just 90 days. My proprietary email marketing system was born during the pandemic, after only being able to work 1-2 hours a day and seeing my business grow by 400% in 2020. I started teaching it to other entrepreneurs in 2021.

Because we ALL deserve to have more cash flow into our bank accounts and happiness in our homes. And let’s call it like it is, money and happiness are two tools that make the world a better place.

I’ve been building, coaching, and selling digital courses, memberships, and products for over 10 years and I can tell you EXACTLY what works and what doesn’t.

I’m a busy mom, with a 6 year old and a 10 year old, a husband who is a pastor and has the most inconsistent schedule on planet Earth, and my main goal in life is to actually live my life, while also helping others to live their lives based on their values and priorities.

Maybe you can relate?

Got Q’s? I’ve got A’s!

Q: How do I know if Funnel of the Month Club is right for me?

A: Do you want to get off the launch rollercoaster and sell your course or membership on autopilot with email? If you answered with a resounding “YES!”, then Funnel of the Month Club is for you.

Q: I’m TERRIBLE at writing and it takes me FOREVER to write an email, does it make sense for me to focus on email marketing to sell my course or membership?

A: Heck to the yes! Inside of Funnel of the Month Club you get access to plug-and-play email templates that are designed to give you the words, so that you don’t have to find them. Most of our members report cutting their email writing time in half by utilizing our templates and crushing their previous sales records.

Q: Can I cancel at any time?

A: Of course! While we don’t offer refunds or pro-rate, you can cancel your Funnel of the Month Club membership at any time.

This is set up to automatically re-bill monthly or annually (your frequency depends on your membership level) on your enrollment date! If you decide that Funnel of the Month Club is not a good fit for you, I promise not to hold you hostage or refuse your cancellation - that would be awkward for both of us! Just give my team and I three days to process your request.

TO with your membership:

A stackable Email Sequence ($564 value annually)

Workbooks, checklists, masterclasses, guides, etc. ($564 value annually)

A vault of Email Marketing Trainings and Best Practices
($197 value annually)

Plug-and-play email templates ($564 value annually)

Email examples ($564 value annually)

✅ Funnel Trend Reports ($564 value annually)

✅ BONUS #1 | Fast Track to Revenue Trainings ($2,000 value annually)

✅ BONUS #2 | Guest Expert Trainings ($12,000 value annually)

✅ BONUS #3 | Get It Done Week ($1,200 value annually)

TOTAL VALUE of the funnel of the month club: $18,217

$1,970 each year

Get 2 months for FREE!

$197 each month

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