Episode #113: Knowing when to leap with Carrie Flynn

Welcome to episode #113 of the Life by Design Podcast with Allison Hardy!

Today I’m sharing the story of Carrie Flynn, owner of Virtual Simplicity.  She helps entrepreneurs and business owners learn how to simplify their businesses and their lives. She is obsessed with all things systems and automation and loves helping others find and implement systems to help them feel less stressed and overwhelmed. Her ultimate goal is to help others feel like they can breathe a bit easier and begin to enjoy their businesses and their lives again.


  • Carrie’s interpretation of “having it all” is a bit different than past guests!  For her it means doing what she can, in this season of life, and feeling satisfied with that.  It’s not delaying her success, but being a very practical person Carrie feels as if that the success that is inevitable for her, may look and feel a bit different, depending on her current life circumstances.

  • A lot of Carrie’s clients work with her because of her personal life.  As someone who works full-time and has kids that are far apart in ages, her story and messaging resonate with them because they feel like they “know, like, and trust” her because of her personal life, not in spite of it.  This is a powerful marketing tool!

  • The #1 thing that holds Carrie’s clients back is fear. Fear of the unknown can be debilitating, when you are scaling and growing your business.  Being ready for growth is a bold move, and it requires both mindset and strategy work.

  • Bright shiny object syndrome and comparison-itis may serve you in the immediate, but long-term they can derail your best laid plans and goals.


Music courtesy of www.bensound.com.

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