How to scale your business and QUICK!

Scaling your business is a loaded topic. There are MULTIPLE ways to scale your business and you truly have to find the best fit for you, your business, and your goals.

But, if you have an online consulting, done-for-you, and/or course creation business, then you need to consider automation and using it to scale your business….and QUICK!

First, I want you to write down every single thing you do in your business. This may take a while so be prepared to spend some time on this.

Now, you’re going to identify the things that actually make you money. Next to those tasks in your list make a mark so you know these things are directly related to you producing more income in your business.

A quick thought about these revenue-producing tasks. These tasks that you’re noting as revenue-producing need to be truly revenue-producing. If you sell your high-end program through free coaching calls, then that’s directly revenue-producing. If you sell your course through an email funnel, tweaking that funnel and reading the stats on it are directly revenue-producing. Writing an Instagram post isn’t revenue-producing. Instagram posts are great and help to get you more visible and develop the “know, like, and trust factor”, but they are not directly revenue-producing, unless you’ve somehow cracked the Instagram code and you sell directly from your posts.

Revenue-producing activities are strategic, calculated, and very intentional.

So now consider this (and this is the part that always blows my mind), 80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts.  Are the tasks you do in proportion to that? Are 20% of your tasks revenue-producing? If they’re not, then something needs to change and needs to change now. Scaling your business will be HARD without this balance.

The last and final step is for you to automate that 20%. The revenue-producing activities that are in your business can be automated, the thing you have to figure out is how. How can you automate your revenue-producing activities so that your business can move forward every single day? You absolutely cannot live launch and pitch every single day, it’s draining and your audience is going to get tired of it. What you can do is position yourself through effective marketing in front of new audiences every single day, expand your network, and let your automation sell for you.

Some of my favorite processes to automate:

  • Selling of passive products through a highly converting Facebook Ad and email sales funnel.

  • Client on-boarding process for my mastermind and course.

  • Outsourcing process and implementation.

These are examples from my business, and can be implemented in your business. But it’s important to take note that not every business is the same and sometimes what works for me in my business, doesn’t necessarily work for you and your business. But automation is possible for every single business. My clients have proven that to me over and over again.

So what I would love to hear from you is:

What are you going to commit to automating in your business this year that will facilitate massive growth in your business?

Automation can and will scale your business to 6-figures and beyond, if you dive deep into it and grant yourself permission to go hit the next level in your business. There is trial and error involved and sometimes the journey can be frustrating and isolating. If you want help scaling to 6-figures and beyond (no matter how far away from that you may feel or be) then I want to invite you to get yourself on the waitlist for my high-end mastermind, the Legacy Mastermind. In the Legacy Mastermind you’ll surround yourself with a group of like-minded women who “get it”, who are jus as ambitious as you are, and want nothing more than to support you and cheer you on as you make every dream you have for yourself and your business, a reality.

Enrollment for 2020 will start in November. You’ll want to make sure you get on the waitlist for the program to get first dibs on your spot and to unlock some exclusive perks, only available to those on the waitlist. To learn more about the program and to get on the waitlist, visit here.

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