Episode #174: The best decisions don't have to be difficult

Do you want to create more sales on autopilot? Let’s be honest, Mama, life is A LOT right now. Let’s set up a system to drive traffic and to monetize that traffic through an automated sales strategy.

Creating a thriving business that runs on autopilot doesn’t have to be hard, complicated, or confusing, it just has to be RIGHT for you and your business.

The Lead Generation Lab will show you exactly how to do that! Get on the waitlist for the program by entering your information below.

I see so many women in the online space struggling to make decisions.

Guilt, self-doubt, worthiness, frustration, all come into play and crush the decision-making process.

So in today’s podcast episode I’m sharing how I work through decisions, through my own decision-making framework.

You CAN make business decisions, your best decisions, from a place of ease, abundance, and certainty. 

So let’s dive into my decision-making framework:

PRE-WORK: Set yourself up for success.

  1. Make decisions with a deadline that is reasonable.

  2. Invite God into the process.

  3. Develop a ritual and do it at a time that works.

  4. Be stubborn in your methods.

  5. Self-awareness is KEY.

STEP 1: Be aware of why this decision making process is feeling hard.

Is it because this is a new venture?
Or requiring something different from you?
Or because it’s new?
What fear is coming up that is making this decision harder or more time-consuming?  What’s really going on here?

STEP 2: Connect back to your big goal. What is it?

What does that look like for you?  You probably don’t know, but what’s the idea?  
Why do you want this goal? 
What’s in it for you?
What’s in it for others?
What’s your sub-goal?

STEP 3: Journal!

What’s the easiest route?
What’s the most impactful route?
Why is this important?
What are you scared of? 
Why are you scared of this?
What’s true in this situation?
How is this helping you to achieve your goals?

POST-WORK: What’s the first step?

There is nothing more deflating than making a decision and then not being able to act on it, or not acting on it.  When you suddenly have that clarity, it’s important that you start that momentum and move forward!


Get yourself on the waitlist for the next open cart period of the Lead Generation Lab (HINT: it’s SOON!)


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Music courtesy of www.bensound.com


Episode #175: Willing yourself to the next level with Allie Casazza


Episode #173: Building an engaged podcast audience with Alex Stennett