Why I changed the name of my signature program
Recently I changed the name of my signature program. And while it’s not a huge name shift, it represents a much larger shift in my business, my focus, and the type of person I am calling into my audience and programs. I changed the name of my signature program 6-Figure Mompreneur Method, to 6-Figure Funnel, and in this episode I walk you through how I made this decision.

Building a community on Tik Tok with ease featuring Hallie Avolio
Hallie Avolio is an affirmation queen, a lover of core values, and a Manifestation & Self-Love Coach, helping people to love themselves unconditionally and create a life they love that is Sassy AF and makes them feel amazing. As a wife of almost 20 years, mom of 3 kids, and former B2B sales executive, she intimately knows the struggle of feeling stuck and giving her love to everyone else, but herself. She loves to help women get unstuck, find self-love, manifest their purpose, and live this life to the fullest.

Why I shut down my Facebook Group and membership in July
In this episode of the 6-Figure Mompreneur Podcast I’m sharing why I chose to close my 5,000 member Facebook Group and 4+ year old membership site, Lead Generation Lab.

Making time management actually work for you featuring Kristen Van Horn
Kristen Van Horn is a time management coach for moms in business. Her mission is to help moms in business prioritize their time and tasks so they can focus on the things that are most important to them in their life and business.

4 things that are giving me life this Summer
This Summer is the most fun, present, and profitable Summer I’ve ever had. So on this episode of the 6-Figure Mompreneur Podcast I’m sharing the 4 things that are supporting me in my business and life to create these results and how you can do this too.