EP 344 | How to increase sales through a tripwire
As a continuation on our conversation around lifetime value, in this episode I’m sharing how a tripwire can help you to increase your lifetime value, as well as create a culture of selling and buying with your new-to-you leads.

EP 343 | Moving through disappointments
In this episode I’m sharing four disappointments that I’ve experienced lately, that have really thrown me for a loop. These things have derailed me, caused me to lose way too much sleep, and made me question if I’m actually capable of growing this company to $1,000,000 by the time I’m 40.

EP 342 | Why lifetime value matters
A commonly overlooked data point that causes entrepreneurs to leave money on the table every year is lifetime value. In this episode of the 6-Figure Secrets Podcast Allison dives into what lifetime value is, why it’s so important, and how you can utilize it to scale your business.