Episode #123: Bright shiny object syndrome is a good thing
As someone who is building her business in the online space, you need to be everywhere all the time. In an ever-changing social media world, new trends come and go constantly. New platforms are developed, created, and rolled out daily. And the early adopters get MASSIVE traction and visibility, because they are paving the way for an entirely new demographic of people to enter into a platform.
Automate two areas of your business to scale to 6-figures
Two areas of your business NEED to be automated, to help you scale to 6-figures. Without automation, you’re constantly working IN your business, when what you need to be doing is working ON your business. You can’t scale to 6-figures if you’re constantly launching, re-launching, DIYing it, and/or playing a guessing game.
Episode #112: How to create a consistent, scalable business
Oftentimes, my clients come to me with the same problem: they are stuck in a vicious cycle of feast or famine months. Those feast months are great, $30,000 launches are amazing, but if the next month is followed by a famine month, like a $1K month, it’s going to make that feast month feel not so successful.
When do you introduce automation into your business?
Introducing automation into our businesses can be tricky, confusing, and downright frustrating, let’s be real here! But automation, especially automating the selling process, can be the quickest way to scale your business, without costing you more of your precious time.