LIVE, Masterclass on September 11 at 1:00 pm ET


Use email marketing to sell while you sleep
(or, ‘ya know…live your actual life!)

We all have a love-hate relationship with our phones, especially if you have a business.

There is so much noise about screen addiction, how our phones are causing our attention spans to decrease, and the harm it causes to our brains.

And while this may be true, I think that our phones can be amazing devices to support us, and that if we set our phones up in the right way, we can change the story we have around our phones and how we are connected to them.

In this episode, I want to share with you some strategies I've implemented to switch my perspective to my phone is a "necessary evil" to a device that supports me and my goals. 


  • Sending text messages when you get a sale. I love getting texts that come through that I have made a sale when I’m not working. For my life and my brand, this is awesome and a huge motivator. Your business should sell for you while you’re living your life and getting these text messages reiterate what is possible. 

  • Knowing our limits with our devices. You can set limits on your phone for how long you want to be on certain apps. I set limits on my phone to align with how I want to show up. 

  • Turn off notifications. I do not get any notifications because they distract me. When I am working at my desk, I put my phone on airplane mode so I don’t get distracted. This helps with my productivity and helps me to stay focused. 

  • Using apps that support your business and life. I like to use apps for my health and time management that help me set goals and use my time wisely. One app I love is toggl which tracks my time on certain tasks which helps me when blocking time for business tasks. 


Snag a seat in Allison's Sell on Autopilot Masterclass, and learn how to use email marketing to sell while you sleep (or, ‘ya know…live your actual life!)


Follow Allison on Instagram


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🤔 Want to work together?
Here’s how to get started!

Get access monthly fill-in-the-blank email marketing templates, designed to help you enroll new clients into your course or membership daily, through email marketing.

Snag my 7 email, signature Email Pitch Sequence process, templates, and examples, so that you can create a highly profitable sales emails that sell your course or membership, on autopilot.


Learn how to craft compelling subject lines to increase your email open rates and boost the sales of your course or membership.

Create an Instagram pinned post, so that you can generates leads for your lead magnet and/or next launch event .


EP 396 | How I hit my 2024 email list growth goal in 8 months


EP 394 | Effective communication beats strategy anyday featuring Heather Sager