Day 1: BELIEF [100 Leads in 5 Days]
Today’s podcast episode is a bit different in that what you’re going to be hearing today is the audio from the first day of the 100 Leads in 5 Days Training Series. Now today, in training video #1, we’re talking all things belief. I’d argue that if you’re anything like me, you’ve experienced doubt in your business. Know that it’s normal, BUT there is something that needs to be done so that that doubt doesn’t control you.
Episode #136: What's working NOW on Instagram
Instagram is everyone’s favorite platform, but it’s also the platform that confuses more people than ever. There have been stories of “shadowbanning”, the use of hashtags confuses some people royally, and with all of the new features within Instagram (Stories, feed, IGTV) creating and sharing content on Instagram can be more complicated and confusing than ever. So let’s make our activity inside of Instagram simple, streamlined, and intentional. Today’s episode is a collection of what’s working NOW on Instagram.
Episode #131: Is it time to delete your Facebook Group?
With Facebook’s recent changes to cast a deep net instead of a wide net within the world’s largest social media outlet, they are now emphasizing Facebook Groups as a way to facilitate those deeper connections. They are more private, more intimate, and much more focused on relationships. As an online entrepreneur, it’s never been a better time to monopolize on this new emphasis.
Episode #125: Organic vs. paid traffic
If we expect to grow our businesses, we need to be constantly in front of new potential clients, building the know, like and trust factor. And so we need to have a strategy in place for getting front of those new people.
Episode #123: Bright shiny object syndrome is a good thing
As someone who is building her business in the online space, you need to be everywhere all the time. In an ever-changing social media world, new trends come and go constantly. New platforms are developed, created, and rolled out daily. And the early adopters get MASSIVE traction and visibility, because they are paving the way for an entirely new demographic of people to enter into a platform.
Episode #120: 3 things NOT to do with your Facebook Group
In today’s episode I want to work through three things NOT to do if you want to use your Facebook Group to grow your business. Time and time again women come to me telling me that their Facebook Group is dead, or that their ideal client isn’t even on Facebook. And if that’s you, I have a some tough love for you. The reason why your Facebook Group isn’t working for you, is YOU. And so today I want you start to unpack this a bit and show you that a Facebook Group can be an amazing lead generation tool, when done correctly.
Episode #119: Facebook Pages vs. Facebook Groups
In today’s episode I want to chat about having a Facebook Page versus having a Facebook Group for your business. I want to weigh the pros and cons and chat through a few ideas because this is probably one of the biggest points of confusion for many online entrepreneurs!