Episode #163: 4 ways to optimize your Facebook Group for leads

Download the 4 Ways to Optimize Your
Facebook Group for Leads Guide!

Through my work inside of the Lead Generation Lab I’m always asked a TON of questions about Facebook Groups, because for me and my business my Facebook Group is a HUGE lead generator!  And recently on a Masterclass I had a woman tell me that she was so overwhelmed with everything on social media. That her Group just seemed like just another box she had to check. And that she felt like all day long she was just maintaining these platforms that she didn’t really understand or see traction from them.

So live together we dove a bit into her business and I actually recommended that she just focus on one thing for the next 90 days.  And I do this with my Lead Generation Lab members all the time, we focus on ONE platform to grow at a time for 90 days, because how much easier does that feel?  And then after those 90 days we evaluate, and either continue to grow it or we switch.  

She landed on a Facebook Group because it is the platform that she enjoys the most.

So what we did together was pull out 4 of the most important things to have implemented inside of her Facebook Group to optimize it for leads.  And so today I wanted to share them with y’all because sometimes I think that we get overwhelmed by doing #allthethings all the time. And sometimes if we can just make some quick and simple changes, that produce results, that starts to build the momentum that we’ve been chasing after.  

So what I’m sharing in today’s episode are simple, quick changes within the setup or structure of your Facebook Group that can not only grow your Group and facilitate a lot of engagement, but can also help you to use your Group as it should be used for, lead generation! 


Your Group’s name is vitally important.  I think of it as the first line of defense when it comes to either attracting your ideal Group member to your Group or repelling (which actually might be even more important) a not ideal Group member from your Group.  The name of your Group should be focused on two things: 

  1. The first is ideal Group member.  It should be painfully clear who your Group is for and who it is not for.  Is it for postpartum moms? Minimalist moms? Single dads who have girls? Millennials who have student loan debt? Get really specific in who it is that you want in your Group and make it very clear as to who your Group is for.

  2. Now the second thing to think about is making your Group’s name solution-focused.  What is the end result your ideal clients come to you wanting to achieve? A 6-figure business? A Decluttered home? A deeper bond with their daughter and an understanding in how to do that? A plan to eliminate student loan debt?  

Think about what your ideal Group member is searching online to solve their problems, what words are they using? And this might require some market research, but make sure you are using the words your ideal Group member use to speak about the pain point they are looking to alleviate.


Utilize the Questions feature for lead generation.  This is a really unique opportunity to get to get to know your Group members better AND for you to generate leads by leading with value.  Upon someone’s request to join your Group you can prompt your potential Group members with 3 questions. I usually advice my clients to ask 3 kinds of questions.

  1. First, a strategy question.  How did you find this Group? This tells you what is driving traffic to your Group so you know what is working in your Facebook Group growth strategy. 

  2. The second allows you to serve your new Group members in a bigger and better way.  If you could wave a magic wand and change one thing in your ____, what would that be?  You can see what your Group members are struggling with and create content specific to them to help them with that problem.

  3. And the third helps you to generate leads.  Offer them up a free gift for coming into your Group, which is your lead magnet!  When you can roll them over onto your email list AND has them inside of your Facebook Group that, as far as I’m concerned, is the holy grail of email and social media marketing!

Download the 4 Ways to Optimize Your
Facebook Group for Leads Guide!


This is another great way for your Group members to be heard and seen.  I often make the analogy that a Facebook Group is like a party. You welcome your guests, give the ones you know a hug, and then spend more time getting to know the guests you don’t know.  The weekly welcome post is a great way to re-engage those new members, allow them to brag on themselves a bit, and it’s also a great opportunity for you to re-invite them to download their free gift, which is your lead magnet! 

There is a really useful feature inside of the members area that allows you to tag your new Group members from the past week, so it is important that you do this on the same day and around the same time every week.  For me that’s around noon on Fridays, for you it might be 10:00 am on Mondays, pick a time and day that is attainable for you because you cannot pre-schedule this (I so wish you could).

Use this function to tag all of your new members, tell them to introduce themselves in the comments, and to download their free gift, if they haven’t already. 

This post gets a ton of engagement because your new members are interacting, your existing members are interacting, and because it’s a rare opportunity for your members to promote themselves.  


Bottom line: you are responsible for your Group’s success or failure.

You determine how you show up.  You put boundaries on how much you’re willing to give of your time and your expertise.  The biggest complaint I hear Facebook Group owners say is that their Group sucks their time.  That their members are there for free advice and never are going to buy anything. And the truth of this is that that Facebook Group is owner is allowing that to happen.  They are choosing to be tied to their Group all the time and to constantly be giving away their expertise, but they aren’t setting boundaries around how they choose to show up.  

For me in my Group, I refuse to spend more than 30 minutes a day in there (usually it’s 10) AND I do not coach for free.  That’s what my clients pay me for, to coach them. And when I’m spending more time in my Group it’s taking time away from them, again my clients who are paying me.  

When you spend too much time in your Group, giving away your expertise, you actually invalidate the need for your business.  Why would anyone pay you if you give all of your expertise away, what incentive is there for them to actually work with you?

There is a fine line to walk between giving enough and giving too much, so I’m not saying don’t be generous with your expertise or time, but what I am saying is that it’s important to know where your boundaries are and if you’ve stepped over that boundary you’ve set for yourself.  

A good indicator of needing stronger boundaries is if you feel resentful towards your Group.  If those feelings are starting to creep up, boundaries need to go in place. And you need to hold yourself to that standard because the only person that can demand that level of respect is you.  


Download a printable of this week’s episode content, complete with screenshots and step-by-step directions here.


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Music courtesy of www.bensound.com


Episode #164: A rock solid 6-figure mindset with Rachel Ngom


Episode #162: Do what works best FOR you with Heather Anderson