EP 308 | CEO weeks
Recently I started implementing CEO Weeks every month in my business to give my brain space to think, be creative, and plan. And so in this episode of the 6-Figure Secrets Podcast I want to pull back the curtain to share about CEO Weeks and how they can help you to build your business in a way that allows you to stay more in your CEO role, instead of the role of a business owner, or even an employee.
![Ask me anything! [Summer Break-Proof Your Business]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/65123d11aceded4ec88315e3/1696097591564-6RT4BCKS3SBK8FQE3MR1/image-asset.png)
Ask me anything! [Summer Break-Proof Your Business]
Today we are wrapping up the Summer Break-Proof Your Business Series on the 6-Figure Mompreneur Podcast! We’re switching things up and doing an Ask Me Anything episode from listener questions submitted over on Instagram. We cover topics from turning off your business brain to Instagram Reels, and everything in-between!
![How to create a morning routine as a busy mompreneur [Summer Break-Proof Your Business]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/65123d11aceded4ec88315e3/1696097597182-52JFODS1WPX1W6S461WR/image-asset.png)
How to create a morning routine as a busy mompreneur [Summer Break-Proof Your Business]
Welcome back to the Summer Break-Proof Your Business Series on the 6-Figure Mompreneur Podcast! In this week’s episode we are chatting through creating a morning routine that serves YOU, even if you are a busy mompreneur. In this episode I share a 30-minute routine with you that helps you to attract more of what you want to you, and get you into the mindset of the person who has already accomplished the goals that you have for yourself.
![How to honor your season of life in your business [Summer Break-Proof Your Business]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/65123d11aceded4ec88315e3/1696097602588-LIIW77ZNH17EH7G0KVKT/image-asset.png)
How to honor your season of life in your business [Summer Break-Proof Your Business]
Welcome back to the Summer Break-Proof Your Business Series on the 6-Figure Mompreneur Podcast! In this week’s episode we are chatting through what it means and looks like to honor the season you are in, and build a business around that season.
![How to replace you in your business [Summer Break-Proof Your Business]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/65123d11aceded4ec88315e3/1696097608384-UHY0JCP4KESKIHA1J4QG/image-asset.png)
How to replace you in your business [Summer Break-Proof Your Business]
Welcome back to the Summer Break-Proof Your Business Series on the 6-Figure Mompreneur Podcast! In this week’s episode I’m sharing how you can replace you in your business. If you want to scale your business to 6-figures (and beyond) without working more hours, you have to find ways to leverage the time you do have, or replace you entirely.

Episode #209: Using the power of fear to create courage with Jessica Stong
Jessica Stong is passionate about helping women create a life that is full of joy and peace. While so many women are crushed by perpetual overwhelm, constant guilt, or even a lack of purpose, Jessica is on a mission to show them how to manage their brains and to truly feel their feelings. She equips women to overcome all of their self-created fear and build a life of intention.

Episode #208: Growing vs. scaling your business
On this episode we are going to dive deep into what growing your business means and what scaling your business means. It’s important to know the difference between the two so that you can be intentional with the action items, inside of your business, to help you work towards that big goal you have for 2021.

Episode #147: Why you're not at 6-figures . . . . yet
The ever elusive 6-figure business. Time and time again my audience tells me that when they hit 6-figures everything will change for them. For most women in online business creating a 6-figure business is the gateway for so much more for them, their families, their communities, and their lives. It’s the way to start to create freedom, space, and a true legacy.

Episode #123: Bright shiny object syndrome is a good thing
As someone who is building her business in the online space, you need to be everywhere all the time. In an ever-changing social media world, new trends come and go constantly. New platforms are developed, created, and rolled out daily. And the early adopters get MASSIVE traction and visibility, because they are paving the way for an entirely new demographic of people to enter into a platform.

How to scale your business and QUICK!
Scaling your business is a loaded topic. There are MULTIPLE ways to scale your business and you truly have to find the best fit for you, your business, and your goals. But, if you have an online consulting, done-for-you, and/or course creation business, then you need to consider automation and using it to scale your business….and QUICK!

Using a Facebook group to scale your online business
Facebook groups can be a great way to drive traffic off of Facebook and onto your email list, which is exactly what you want to do. One of the common misconceptions with Facebook groups is that you need to have a big audience first, in order to grow a Facebook group successfully. This simply isn’t true! You can use your Facebook group to grow your email list and vice versa. There’s no reason why you can’t grow both simultaneously.

Episode #103: 6 things you need to do to create 6-figures in this year
Today’s episode revolves around the action that you need to take to hit 6-figures in 2019. I hear my clients (and potential clients) say all the time, that if they could just make $100,000 this year then that would change a lot of things for them. So let’s simplify the process and make that happen.

Episode #101: Mothering like a boss with Kendra Hennessy
Kendra is a podcast host and founder of Mother like a Boss, where she helps busy modern moms become homemakerish. Her mission is to redefine homemaking in the 21st century and make the difficult and tedious parts of running your home smoother through systems, routines and mindset shifts.

Episode #99: The ins and outs of online courses with Julie Raich Dieme
Julie is an educational consultant and teacher of 20+ years. She is a languages nerd (fluent in 4!), avid world traveler, wife and mom. Since her son was born in 2015, she has developed a passion for bringing her business online and helping others to do the same, in order to find the perfect balance of freedom and flexibility for her family as well as make a larger impact with her work.

Episode #96: 5 Questions to ask your coach and yourself when considering a mastermind
Masterminds. What the heck are they are why should you consider one for 2019? As someone who has participated in masterminds and someone who hosts a mastermind there are some crucial things to consider when finding one for you and your business. In this podcast episode I walk you through what a mastermind is and what are 5 questions you need to not only ask your potential coach, but also yourself.
![Episode #86: Influencer marketing to grow your Facebook group [W2G Challenge]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/65123d11aceded4ec88315e3/1696105176617-6LUVDTM7GQPRYJ1B2H32/image-asset.png)
Episode #86: Influencer marketing to grow your Facebook group [W2G Challenge]
In this episode I'm going to be walking you through how to shift into an influencer mindset, and how to use influencer marketing to lead and grow your Facebook group. Here's the bottom line: your clients buy from you because they know, like, and trust you! Think about your favorite brands, why do you buy from them? You love their cause? You love the quality of the products? You love their story? Regardless of what it is, you not only love the products but you love the company too!