Episode #138: Get more done in less time
In this episode I’ll walk you through the 6 things I did to maximize my work time, increase productivity, and scale and grow my online business this summer as I cut my hours from 20 hours a week to 6 - 10ish hours a week.

Episode #125: Organic vs. paid traffic
If we expect to grow our businesses, we need to be constantly in front of new potential clients, building the know, like and trust factor. And so we need to have a strategy in place for getting front of those new people.

Episode #123: Bright shiny object syndrome is a good thing
As someone who is building her business in the online space, you need to be everywhere all the time. In an ever-changing social media world, new trends come and go constantly. New platforms are developed, created, and rolled out daily. And the early adopters get MASSIVE traction and visibility, because they are paving the way for an entirely new demographic of people to enter into a platform.

How to scale your business and QUICK!
Scaling your business is a loaded topic. There are MULTIPLE ways to scale your business and you truly have to find the best fit for you, your business, and your goals. But, if you have an online consulting, done-for-you, and/or course creation business, then you need to consider automation and using it to scale your business….and QUICK!

Episode #109: Hard business lessons from 2018
In today’s episode I’m sharing the biggest hard lessons I had to learn in my business in 2018. Now these lessons aren’t your standard, run-of-the-mill challenges, these lessons are shook-me-to-the-core lessons, lessons that made me want to crawl under the covers and hide, lessons that made me want to call this whole “online business thing” quits and delete everything.

3 Ways to "kid-proof" your business
What happens in our businesses when life happens? Sometimes the best laid plans get demolished in a moment’s notice. Your kid gets sick, or the school cancels school early due to snow, or your husband travels for two weeks suddenly. Life happens and in those moments, we (whether we want to or not) we have to show up for it.

Episode #107: Freedom from within with Lynette Evans
In this episode I’m interviewing Lynette Evans, Co-Founder of The Mama Ladder, a heart-centered business support community for mama-preneurs that focuses on four core beliefs: money, time, community, and mentoring.

Episode #105: A legacy of faithfulness with Anita Morin
Anita is a wife to an amazing man, mother to a son, and is a part-time Physician Assistant who works in Integrative Medicine. She is also a FertilityCare Practitioner Intern and a Naprotechnology Medical Consultant Intern.

Episode #103: 6 things you need to do to create 6-figures in this year
Today’s episode revolves around the action that you need to take to hit 6-figures in 2019. I hear my clients (and potential clients) say all the time, that if they could just make $100,000 this year then that would change a lot of things for them. So let’s simplify the process and make that happen.

Grow your email list with a simple Facebook group hack
Your Facebook group can be an email list building machine that runs entirely on autopilot! In this Facebook Live I share with you a super simple, and yet, super effective strategy to leveraging the power of your Facebook group to build your email list on autopilot.

Episode #94: Creating a legacy
Today’s episode is going to be a bit different from what you normally expect from me. I’m not talking business strategy or interviewing another mompreneur and picking her brain. Today I’m sharing about the recent loss of the patriarch of our family, my Pap, and how that has given me even more conviction about where my business is going.
![Episode #90: How I grew my Facebook group by 25% in 2 weeks [W2G Challenge BONUS]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/65123d11aceded4ec88315e3/1696105160839-U8JE7SLSQ8FH4VN50NAS/image-asset.png)
Episode #90: How I grew my Facebook group by 25% in 2 weeks [W2G Challenge BONUS]
In this Facebook Live I'm explaining all how you can leverage Facebook's algorithm to grow your Facebook group organically. In short, you can figure out what Facebook likes and the more you do it, the more your group will show up in potential group members' feeds.
![Episode #89: How to monetize your Facebook group authentically [W2G Challenge]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/65123d11aceded4ec88315e3/1696105164667-XFPW8V1YBAN2X96LH7NP/image-asset.png)
Episode #89: How to monetize your Facebook group authentically [W2G Challenge]
Today I want to share with you three ways that you can make money from your Facebook group. The content that I'm sharing with you today is going to be super juicy because it really is the backbone of our businesses and our social media strategies. Your Facebook should build your email list for you, on automate, for free, every single day.
![Episode #88: Why you need to and how to increase engagement [W2G Challenge]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/65123d11aceded4ec88315e3/1696105168830-105W7NWIQIBP6YYBJ4GJ/image-asset.png)
Episode #88: Why you need to and how to increase engagement [W2G Challenge]
In this episode I share four of my favorite engagement strategies and how to implement them in your business and Facebook group. I highly encourage you to take a look at your group and figure out a way to implement these strategies into your group. Once you do, you will see your engagement skyrocket!