Episode #133: Hacks to increase sales in your email funnel
podcast, business tips, automation Allison Hardy podcast, business tips, automation Allison Hardy

Episode #133: Hacks to increase sales in your email funnel

Email sales funnels are a long-term game.  And just because it doesn’t work on the first try doesn’t mean it’s not for you.  Despite being a long-term game, there are some key factors that MOST successful email funnels have that help to contribute to conversions and a higher success rate.  There are three key factors to consider to increase the conversion rate of your email sales funnel.

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Episode #131: Is it time to delete your Facebook Group?
podcast, social media marketing Allison Hardy podcast, social media marketing Allison Hardy

Episode #131: Is it time to delete your Facebook Group?

With Facebook’s recent changes to cast a deep net instead of a wide net within the world’s largest social media outlet, they are now emphasizing Facebook Groups as a way to facilitate those deeper connections.  They are more private, more intimate, and much more focused on relationships.  As an online entrepreneur, it’s never been a better time to monopolize on this new emphasis. 

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Episode #130: The power of story with Michelle Knight
podcast, business tips Allison Hardy podcast, business tips Allison Hardy

Episode #130: The power of story with Michelle Knight

Michelle Knight is a Branding and Business Coach who has distinguished herself as an entrepreneur by teaching the power of storytelling and its ability to unite people, especially women. She has helped transform the businesses and lives of female entrepreneurs by supporting them in tapping into their story to create a standout brand and message, ultimately leading them to living a life of freedom.

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Episode #129: Nail your niche
podcast, business tips Allison Hardy podcast, business tips Allison Hardy

Episode #129: Nail your niche

The riches are in the niches.  Have you ever heard that expression before?  In this episode let’s dive into why you should be niching down in your business, no matter how you serve your clients or what kind of business it is that you run.  This is necessary for ALL businesses, no matter if you’re in network marketing, service-based, product-based, DIY, coaching, course creation. Whatever kind of business you own, you need to have a specific niche.

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Episode #128: Self-care isn't selfish with Jody Agard
podcast, work life balance Allison Hardy podcast, work life balance Allison Hardy

Episode #128: Self-care isn't selfish with Jody Agard

Jody is a busy mom of two boys, a wife, and a nature lover. She’s a two-time Amazon bestselling author, and her most recent book is “Mommy Reboot; A Busy Mom’s Guide to Self-Care”. Jody is a self-care coach working exclusively with busy moms who want to feel less overwhelmed and more fulfilled and she’s known in her industry for transforming the lives of moms through the art of self-care.

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Episode #127: Work smarter, play harder this summer
podcast, work life balance Allison Hardy podcast, work life balance Allison Hardy

Episode #127: Work smarter, play harder this summer

In this episode I want to share with you what I’m doing to work smarter, not harder this summer.  Now I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, our businesses are not cookie cutters. What works for me may not work for you, and vice versa.  That’s that’s ok! But why I’m sharing this with you is to help you to see what you could do to help set you up for success this summer while wrangling those amazing kids of yours AND still building your business.  

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Episode #126: Building a Solid Foundation with Wendy Breakstone
podcast, work life balance Allison Hardy podcast, work life balance Allison Hardy

Episode #126: Building a Solid Foundation with Wendy Breakstone

Wendy Breakstone is a seasoned Small Business Coach & Systems Mentor with more than 18 years of experience helping entrepreneurs grow and scale their businesses. Wendy has a diverse business management and marketing background that includes working for a best-selling spiritual author, owning and managing a 6-figure web development and marketing consultancy, to expanding her own business knowledge working with companies GoToMeeting.

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Episode #124: Anything is possible with Stephanie Skryzowski
blog, podcast Allison Hardy blog, podcast Allison Hardy

Episode #124: Anything is possible with Stephanie Skryzowski

Stephanie Skryzowski is a visionary Chief Financial Officer with over a decade of experience leading purpose-driven organizations. She is the Founder and CEO of 100 Degrees Consulting which helps leaders better understand, use, and communicate their financials to build their bottom line and make a greater impact on the world.

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Episode #123: Bright shiny object syndrome is a good thing

Episode #123: Bright shiny object syndrome is a good thing

As someone who is building her business in the online space, you need to be everywhere all the time. In an ever-changing social media world, new trends come and go constantly. New platforms are developed, created, and rolled out daily.  And the early adopters get MASSIVE traction and visibility, because they are paving the way for an entirely new demographic of people to enter into a platform.

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Episode #122: Heart-centered automation with Alicia Jonas
podcast, automation Allison Hardy podcast, automation Allison Hardy

Episode #122: Heart-centered automation with Alicia Jonas

Alicia is a dance studio owner and marketing strategist for studio owners who want to create thriving, heart-centered businesses doing work they love while building a life that is beyond their wildest dreams. Through implementing a heart-centered automation strategy into her brick and mortar dance studio she’s been able to scale it quickly and run a successful online business.

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Episode #118: Comfort zones are the enemy with Nikyla Maria
podcast Allison Hardy podcast Allison Hardy

Episode #118: Comfort zones are the enemy with Nikyla Maria

Nikyla’s work around fear allows her clients to fully steps into the role for who they are.  She helps them to strip down all of the fear, failure, and adversity they’ve experienced to reveal who they are at the core of their being.  By leading with love, it opens up a new dialogue between her clients and herself and that’s when the true work can actually begin.

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Episode #113: Knowing when to leap with Carrie Flynn
podcast, blog Allison Hardy podcast, blog Allison Hardy

Episode #113: Knowing when to leap with Carrie Flynn

Today I’m sharing the story of Carrie Flynn, owner of Virtual Simplicity.  She helps entrepreneurs and business owners learn how to simplify their businesses and their lives. She is obsessed with all things systems and automation and loves helping others find and implement systems to help them feel less stressed and overwhelmed. Her ultimate goal is to help others feel like they can breathe a bit easier and begin to enjoy their businesses and their lives again.

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Episode #109: Hard business lessons from 2018
podcast, blog Allison Hardy podcast, blog Allison Hardy

Episode #109: Hard business lessons from 2018

In today’s episode I’m sharing the biggest hard lessons I had to learn in my business in 2018.  Now these lessons aren’t your standard, run-of-the-mill challenges, these lessons are shook-me-to-the-core lessons, lessons that made me want to crawl under the covers and hide, lessons that made me want to call this whole “online business thing” quits and delete everything.

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